(CD, Aagoo, 2015)
DEISON & MINGLE returns with the anticipated follow-up to their critically acclaimed “Everything Collpase(d).
Spring 2014: Cristiano Deison and Andrea Gastaldello (aka Mingle) continue the work which began with “Everything Collapse[d]” (Aagoo/Rev.Lab.) and the Ep Low Blood Pressure (Final Muzik), crossing the wastelands where everything has collapsed and is lost in oblivion, driven by a constant and lazy motion.
The idea is that of moving forwards skeptically, maybe meeting someone or something, maybe not. You do not know.
The important thing is to stumble through the rubble, the tangles and fragments of broken ideas…listening carefully to the pulse of weak life.
Assembled, recorded and mixed by Andrea Gastaldello and Deison at Tower Home Studio and 1st Floor Studio, Italy between march and july 2014, Weak Life carries on the perfect union of Deison and Mingle’s sounds: drones, field recordings and processed loops onto which disturbed rhythms, distorted beats and electronic treatments are inserted. As always these are dirty electronics which are extremely evocative, to which we have become accustomed.
Tracks 04,06,07 and 10 originally released on “Low Blood Pressure” CDep Singles Club #2, Final Muzik, 2014.
Deison vocals on “Circle of Shit” reconstructed by Deison & Mingle, originally written by Justin K. Broadrick.
Mingle piano on “Bloody Feelings” and “Weak Life”.
Mastered by Eraldo Bernocchi.
Produced by Andrea Gastaldello, Cristiano Deison and Aagoo Records. Graphic design: Deison.
Images: Guido Bisagni / 108.
Deison vuelve a ser protagonista en Lux Atenea Webzine con la inminente presentación oficial del nuevo álbum “Weak Life” de Deison y Mingle el próximo día 9 de febrero, que será publicado a través del sello discográfico Aagoo Records en digipak CD engalanado con un siniestro diseño creado por Deison, con fotografía de Guido Bisagni, donde lo abstracto y lo geométrico adquieren una fuerza estética y visual muy potente con el uso de colores y tonos negros y rúbeos. En “Weak Life”, Deison y Mingle dan vida artística a este magnífico trabajo musical a través de composiciones donde se aprecia la influencia conceptual de lo experimental, del ambient y de lo minimalista en la definición sonora de cada una de las once obras que vertebran este álbum. “Weak Life” impresionará a nuestros melómanos lectores por esta contundente demostración de eclecticismo musical y de versatilidad creativa a la hora de evolucionar cada composición dentro este abanico sonoro de vanguardia. Una interesante audición que dará comienzo con las pulsantes brumas sonoras del tema “Skeptic Move” donde su trasfondo acuoso transmitirá ese estado de paciente de incertidumbre, hasta que “Tangles” abra la puerta al espíritu buscador de emociones en un entorno sombrío y un tanto angustioso que, en “Osso Temporade”, presentará un cuerpo sonoro más high-tech y minimalista que nos llevará a la apertura radical recreada musicalmente en “Unanimated” para que la luz irradie vida a lo yermo y estéril. A continuación, el tema “Lost Pieces” volverá a sumergirnos en atmósferas densas donde la luz es sólo un destello fugaz y aleatorio, quedando la extraordinaria composición “Bloody Feelings” como intento de resaltar lo vivo a través de texturas sonoras orgánicas de auténtica vanguardia. ¡¡¡”Bloody Feelings”, impresionante tema!!! Más dinámica y versátil será la estructura musical de “Circle Of Red Drops” para que lo melódico demuestre el poder de su magia en nuestros sentidos, apareciendo “Hirn Seite” como sublime composición instrumental de espíritu puramente experimental donde la aspereza sensorial de la tecnología es bellamente sublime, realineándose en “Perfect Huddle” para orquestar esta semilla melódica expandida en el tiempo que desembocará en la siniestra composición “Obliquity (low)”. Una tenebrosa antesala musical que nos conducirá al sepulcral tema “Weak Life” para que la gravedad de lo solemne termine poseyéndonos en este cierre sonoro de espectral embrujo y perpetuo desasosiego. En este track del álbum, después del minuto 7:21, el silencio se prolongará hasta el minuto 11:54, surgiendo entonces aquí el tema extra oculto (“Circle Of Shit”) con una atmósfera sonora compleja de densidad posmoderna en su definición, y donde la voz humana hará aparición por primera y última vez en este álbum. “Weak Life”, dos talentos musicales inspirados por sus nuevas perspectivas dentro del arte de vanguardia. ¡¡¡Disfrútenlo!!!
Where Deison & Mingle in their previous album released an album that kept a more ambient context, in this album they enhanced that atmosphere with more dimensions and directions. The ambient spheres, soundtrack and journey continues, with some three dimensional space and echoes, but you also hear bubbling and hissing and digital ticks or beeps. The whole atmosphere becomes vivid with slow changes and some variety in emphasis, from beat to mood, brushing and breathing with sounds, much more spatial analogue-electronic or as effect, than having an electro-acoustic association. “Girn Seite” has an interesting element of an electronic sound of a telephone calling recorded via some answering machine or so, mixed with ticking digital rhythms. It also features a didgeridoo like drone that is added to it somewhere, while changing further on into a slow ambient soundtrack with certain waves of beeps and bass rhythms in the background. The first half of “Obliguity (Low)” could have taken, or work, in a surreal suspense film soundtrack context, with its sounds possibly coming from a stretched drone on piano, and more. The album succeeds well to entertain with its changes as an enjoyable listening journey.
Zuerst ein “Skeptic Move”: bedrohliches Dröhnen düsterer Synths, strukturiert durch einen langsamen Peitschenknall-beat. Was plätschert da im Hintergrund? Ist das das Blut aus den Ohren jener, die hier nicht innehalten konnten, bis dass der Lautstärkeknopf am rechten Anschlag stand und die Türblätter der verkeilten Notausgänge vibrierten? Wahrhaftig, ein “Circle of Red Drops” erscheint auf dem bröseligen Putz der Kellerwand und formt magisch-obskure SoundZeichen, “Bloody Feelings” durchzucken das halt- und hilflose, von knarzenden samples gepeinigte Hörzentrum. Bei “Osso Temporale” pumpen die Membranen der Bassreflexboxen, als gelte es, den Kreislauf eines Nashorns wieder in Gang zu bringen, nicht so schnell, sondern so heftig! Schichten seltsamer Geräusche drängen sich um das elektrorhythmische Gerüst – ein Golem aus Klang! Macht- und kraftvoll und wohl stärker als so manches “Weak Life”!
We’ve covered the work of Deison & Mingle before, as well as Deison on his own; we’ve come to the obvious conclusion that everything this duo releases is going to be worth our attention. Andrea Gastaldello is an accomplished scorer of documentary films, while Christiano Deison was once a member of Meathead. This provides little indication of their current sound, save for the fact that it is both filmic and experimental. Everything Collapse[d] included a Swans cover, while the new album tackles Godflesh; but it takes a while for each album to work up to such moments, which are more like hidden gifts. Instead, Weak Life (Aagoo Records, 9 February) launches in dark ambience, informed by early industrial music. The deep, dark bass of “Tangles” is mastered as well as one can dream: as cavernous as an air hanger. Such clarity produces a sense of cold anticipation whenever the beats drop out, as they do on “Osso Temporale”; one is afraid of what may happen next. But like Murcof, Deison & Mingle operate more in the field of menace than that of murder, an effective tactic on a sustained work. The title track breaks the mold with piano and dragged chain, but there’s nothing weak about this life; in all facets, this is a more powerful and consistent work than the duo’s already accomplished debut.